Spot: The Robotic Dog
Senior Robotics Capstone Project, Spring 2015
Spot is a fully functional semi autonomous robotic dog, which Alex Franchuk, Joon-Hyuk Han, and I developed as our capstone project for the robotics undergraduate program at CMU. Like man's best friend, Spot plays fetch, goes on walks, recognizes voice commands, and performs tricks in a fun, friendly, and interactive way. See Spot run in the video below!
- Designed system in Solidworks, iterated through several design reviews
- Outsourced component fabrication
- Led mechanical assembly and subsystem level testing
- Laid out and wired electrical system, selected battery based on power budget
- Wrote localization software using encoder and IMU feedback to estimate position
- Prototyped and optimized fetching algorithm using Bluetooth triangulation
- Implemented control algorithms for neck, jaw, and mobility systems; autonomous and RC control
- Wrote 45 page report outlining system requirement, design decisions, and verification/validation tests
- Made weekly progress presentation to professors and students
- Managed budget of $1500