Booth Chair, Sigma Phi Epsilon

Booth is a Carnegie Mellon University tradition that occurs every year during spring carnival. Student organizations build multi-story structures that include interactive games and elaborate decorations. SigEp's themes over the past four years include SpongeBob (1st Place), Pixar's Up (1st Place), Lord of the Rings (1st Place), and The Polar Express (2nd Place). I was booth chair during my Sophomore and Junior year. 

  • Led 63 members in building a complex two story high wooden structure for Spring Carnival
  • Won 1st place both years as chair plus third year as chair-elect
  • Organized construction of structure and managing rooms decoration
  • Designed the Eye of Sauron; installed LED’s into a translucent globe which flickered and pulsed via Arduino control
  • Configured old butter churner with potentiometer to control the Up game, which simulated flight control